John Aquila
JoinedPosts by John Aquila
Special Pioneer Couple Living at a Kingdom Hall In Miami FL, get the dreaded Letter
by James Jack injust got a phone call from an older sister saying that a couple that got re-assigned from bethel 4 years ago to live at their kh apartment as special pioneers, just received a letter saying "as of january 2016, your special pioneer assignment will be discontinued".. they live in a south miami kh(snapper creek congregation).. this couple had only served in bethel for 15 years before they were sent out into the special pioneer work.
they are now in their mid 50's and the sister said that they have to find part time jobs to support themselves.. the older sister (does not have a pc or internet), says that the couple are just devastated!
Something interesting!
by John Aquila ini was invited to a small get-together by a long time friend.
we both served as elders for years.
he is in his late 70s.
John Aquila
Just found out that my ex father in law,81 years old, still an elder in the congregation and has been a witness for 60 years, a pillar in the organization is finally researching some " apostate" literature and books.
Wow sporece, thanks for that information. That give us with loved one in the cult some hope. Never give up trying to help them.
Ha Ha, the new generation.My 14 year old son has seen that this religion is just crap.
Something interesting!
by John Aquila ini was invited to a small get-together by a long time friend.
we both served as elders for years.
he is in his late 70s.
John Aquila
I've read about the power of mind-control and propaganda and reflected on my own experience (30 years a JW), I'm still astounded how this stuff works!I read an article at the library last year about a young girl who was sold by her parents to a rich old man for sexual purposes. She was 4 years old. The man abused her till she was 16 years old. He would tie her up when he left the house with a some food on a plate like a dog and gave her a can for bathroom purposes. When the man died, the authorities rescued the girl.
She described her wonder and her amazement when she discovered what the real world was like. She had no idea that she could choose what to eat, what to wear, meet other people, have privacy for bathroom purposes, etc. After several years of being free, she was astounded that she was led to believe that her sole purpose in life was to serve the sexual needs of the old rich man.
Undue influence is used by humans not only in religion but in other areas of life to control other humans. What a crazy world uh! The WT sometimes looks like Santa Claus compared to other mind-controlled organizations or individuals.
Something interesting!
by John Aquila ini was invited to a small get-together by a long time friend.
we both served as elders for years.
he is in his late 70s.
John Aquila
I've often wondered how every JW doesn't see this.
You know, I have pointed this out to several jws but they don't seem to be able to put 2 + 2 together. I guess they are not ready for ttatt.
having face to face contact with ones you know or have similar ages and similar issues, would be great
Face to face is really the best, but I believe it is difficult for most to arrange and travel.
Something interesting!
by John Aquila ini was invited to a small get-together by a long time friend.
we both served as elders for years.
he is in his late 70s.
John Aquila
Our generation got skipped over. But other guys in my age group that haven't awakened are not too pleased with the sudden emphasis on brothers younger than us. For years, it was like you had to be 50+ to be used. Now you have to be a 30 year old pioneer "evangelizer school" zealot to be used.
Thanks for that insight.I feel for those in their 40s who still haven't woken up. What a mess to still have to be going to those wasteful meetings and conventions. Before you know 10-20 years will pass and they will be in their 60s and Armageddon still hasn't arrived. What will they do, what will they do?
Something interesting!
by John Aquila ini was invited to a small get-together by a long time friend.
we both served as elders for years.
he is in his late 70s.
John Aquila
WingCommander In the 1990's, my generation was totally FED UP with the over-the-top rules about dating, no education, no extra-circular activities, and being made a laughing stock
The 1990 is when I started slowly getting nudged to wake up. That was the decade the Generation change started to evolve and the internet starting taking off.
So it seems that the internet has been the mighty sword that is toppling the Great WT. The young ones today learn at an early date probably 10 years of age that the WT is crap.!
Is there actually a valid Translation of the Bible ?
by Phizzy ini saw a vid on-line awhile ago, i cannot remember the title so can't find it, but the guy was some sort of expert in the languages of the bible, and he made a very good case that there has never been a proper translation of the bible.. what he was saying was that all translators fall into the same trap of an overly slavish use of the etymology of words rather than how language was actually used at the time of writing.. he said that what was needed were scholars who were familiar with secular contemporaneous writings, and knew how language was used at the time.. this looks like a very interesting argument.. any thoughts ?
John Aquila
and he made a very good case that there has never been a proper Translation of the Bible.
And that's why I finally came to the conclusion that the Bible is not inspired of God, but just a collection of books by men. If God wanted to communicate with his children, he would have used a communication method that would not require tons of scholars and translators to interpret. If God wanted to communicate with his children, he could have easily implanted his word in everyone's brains during sleep at the same time. That way no one would be confused and no human would have the power to say; "God talked to me alone" Even the Bible admits that God communicates with people by means of night visions or dreams.
(Daniel 2:19) . . .Then it was that to Daniel in a night vision the secret was revealed. . .
Something interesting!
by John Aquila ini was invited to a small get-together by a long time friend.
we both served as elders for years.
he is in his late 70s.
John Aquila
The Searcher
the Annual Meeting talk by Samuel Herd made it clear that Special Pioneers were being booted in affluent countries!Why? because it's a waste of resources to pay for folks who can't recruit in the West anymore - but 3rd world countries have growth potential.
Searcher I didn't listen to the talk, I have a hard time listening to those talks, but did he actually say "it's a waste of resources to pay for folks who can't recruit in the West anymore"
Because if that's the case, I can't understand why all 8 million jws aren't getting it???
I mean that is just to crazy that he would say that. So the West has gathered all the sheep that will survived the Great tribulation? This is just to much!!!
Something interesting!
by John Aquila ini was invited to a small get-together by a long time friend.
we both served as elders for years.
he is in his late 70s.
John Aquila
These guys are not apostates Could you please explain what you mean?
Yes from the WT perspective they are apostates. What I mean is that they are not apostates in the sense that we are.Their reason for leaving is they feel the WT has dropped the ball sort of like some of the Kings of Israel but were still used by Jehovah. King Saul comes to mine. They will not look at apostate sites or read books from apostates like Ray Franz. They will not consider the possibility that 607 BCE is a wrong date. They still believe the great tribulation is coming but they might die before. They still believe in Jehovah, Jesus, Annointed Kings who will reign in heaven but don't believe the GB make up that group.
They are basing their views on the changes they see and comparing it with the zeal they used to have in the old days and 2 + 2 don't add up.
One of the talks dealt with King Ahab and his queen Jezebel who killed Jehovah's prophets. God's name was still with Israel but the individuals running the show had become corrupted.
Something interesting!
by John Aquila ini was invited to a small get-together by a long time friend.
we both served as elders for years.
he is in his late 70s.
John Aquila
I too am of the 30s and 40s group and would like to make a few comments. While I hate to use this word, I think those in my age group are in a bit of a transitional "generation," We are caught between the more robust organization of years prior and the more user-friendly, re-branded organization of today.First I want to say welcome. And I totally agree with you. That is what I am seeing also. I believe this is the main reason why the WT is stopping building projects, sending bethlites and special pioneers home. The support for the Organization has finally reached it's peak. The glory days are over. It's all downhill from here. We are seeing history of the WT in the making.